Memo • June 2018 • By Krista Kaput
The School Quality or Student Success (SQ/SS) indicator was one of the most talked about and biggest decisions that fell to the states in drafting their new ESSA accountability plans. This memo summarizes the chosen SQ/SS measures for each state, DC, and Puerto Rico. The most common SQ/SS measures among the states are:
- Chronic Absenteeism (37 States): Percentage of students who missed ten percent or more of school days in which they were enrolled.
- College and Career Readiness (36 States): The specifics vary by state, but some of the common components are AP and IB participation rates and scores, ACT and SAT scores, and post-secondary/PSEO participation.
- Science Proficiency (15 States): Percentage of students who were proficient on the standardized statewide science assessment.
- 9th Grade On-Track (11 States): The specifics vary by state, but they commonly measure the percentage of ninth grade students who earn enough credit to be one-fourth of the way to meeting high school graduation requirements.
- Engagement and Climate Surveys (9 States): The different surveys measure a variety of concepts, including student and teacher engagement, how safe students feel in school, family involvement, and more.
- Social Studies Proficiency (7 States): Percentage of students who were proficient on the standardized statewide social studies assessment.
Updated October 2018.